Shubham Pakhale
2 min readJun 14, 2021

Javascript workshop-

Recently I attended a workshop on Javascript organised by LinuxWorld under the mentorship of vimal Daga sir, Learn a lot of things through this workshop.

🎯Browser is just like Interpreter is one who runs the code.Browser knows every activity is known as event.Browser is interpreter for javascript

When you click →on click event.

🎯BOM-Box object Management all the object in the url we can manage-

  1. alert 2)prompt 3)confirm

🎯Framework are the libraries which are available in JavaScript. eg. React, Angular, etc.
🎯 learned about how to we can run javascript code directly in the browser using javascript: alert(‘hey’)
🎯learned about the role of div tag and id in HTML <div> is used to define a division in HTML code and id is used to identify the element in the whole document you need to change it should be unique which can be used anywhere.
🎯learnt about the getElementByid() function is used to select the HTML element uniquely in the ID

🎯Ajax-Asynchronus javascript and xml the request is sended in asynchronous way i.e. you can send data serially(synchronus way) and paralley(Asynchronus way).

🎯 False in open function means synchronous ,True in open function means asynchronous

🎯GET method is used to request data from a server.

🎯POST method has capability to send our data inside http header.

🎯<pre> tag is used to insert a preformatted text into an HTML document.